Sunday, January 5, 2014

Nightclubbing for Geeks

At 4am TheHackerCIO went Nightclubbing. Nighclubbing for geeks means this:

That's right! The AT&T Developer Summit Hackathon is going on at the Rain Nightclub!

I have to tell you that the staff -- who were awesome with their service & very friendly -- were laughing their behinds off when I told them that this was what Geeks thought was nightlife! One said, "Sorry to laugh at you," but I told him, "Hey, TheHackerCIO has been laughed at since he was in elementary school." Another said, "When they come up with the next Facebook, they'll have the last laugh." And who knows? That could be true.

I like to do a late night survey of a Hackathon I work, because you see who is really dedicated.

Sort the wheat from the tares.

I counted 65 Hackers hacking between 4am and 5am at this Hackathon. These are the all-nighters. That's a good total.

But some people have to get some shut-eye. Here are a couple of our younger contestants. One is a 17 Year-Old Caltech Freshman. Yeah, he skipped a grade. The other one is a High school student. Oh, yeah, he was at Y-Combinator already! What an amazing bunch of Hackers! It's inspiring to see

Rest comes in various forms:

The "Internet of Things" theme of this hackathon, really means "wearable technology," which includes this hoodie:

Which looks like this when it's "On":

This application is to warn drivers not to run you over, while you're jogging.

Jonathan DiCamillo a 17 Year-old Hacker at Summit View High school is developing a game with wearable pressure sensors.

So, that makes for a final roundup of the action at the Hackathon. It's 6am. Tomorrow is the presentation, so I might have a few words to say soon about that,

But for now I Remain,


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